
The latest released version of Kale is based on Chia™ 1.2.3. For your security, we urge vigilance when running untrusted code that has access to your valuable private keys. The Kale Network website (kalenetwork.org) and GitHub (Kale-Network) are the only trusted source of binaries for Kale.

Detailed Installation instructions and source code can be found on Github.

Note: Windows installer does NOT support Windows 7!
Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit

Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit
Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit

Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit
Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit
Version 0.1.111 | 64 bit

Version 0.1.111

Database (7-zip format)
Database (blockchain_v1_mainnet.sqlite)

Other Platforms

Python 3.7 or newer is required.

